Thank You for Your Interest in Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

Our priority is ensuring patient safety. That’s why it’s important to be at a healthier body mass index (BMI) before undergoing cosmetic surgery. Patients at a healthy weight have a substantially reduced risk of blood clots and other post surgical complications.

Nutrition Specialists

To help you reach the safe target of 30 BMI or less, we’ve partnered with nutritional specialists and registered dieticians at North Jersey Health & Wellness. Using safe, highly individualized plans that are tailored to your needs, they can help you achieve a healthier weight before you schedule your cosmetic surgery.

The NJH&W specialists track your progress weekly and monthly until you’re ready to schedule a consultation at the Parker Center for Plastic Surgery.

If you have a BMI of 31 or higher and are struggling to lose weight, the specialists at North Jersey Health & Wellness can help.