Eyelid & Brow Surgery

Look alert, rested, and youthful

Eyes communicate a lot about your mood and energy level. People also get a sense of your age based on the area around the eyes. If your eyes signal that you’re tired or grumpy when you feel alert and content, eyelid surgery, a brow lift, or both at our Paramus, NJ, practice for patients from Hackensack, Ridgewood, Mahwah, Somerset and throughout Bergen County, North New Jersey, will help you look refreshed and youthful.


Eyelid Lift Before Photos

Case: 1 of 9

This 42 year old patient was referred to Dr. Parker by another patient asking him to improve the appearance of her upper and lower eyelids. The patient was bothered by the excess skin on her upper lids and puffiness in her lower lids. Dr. Parker performed an upper and lower lid blepharoplasty. In the upper eyelids, he excised the excess skin.... Read More
Eyelid Lift Case 87 Before & After View #1 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

This 62-year-old female, referred by her primary care physician, expressed concern about the tired and aged appearance of her eyes. Dr. Parker performed an upper and lower lid blepharoplasty. He removed the excess skin from the upper eyelids. In the lower eyelids, he removed the herniated fat causing the puffiness, then excised the excess ski... Read More
Eyelid Lift Case 65 Before & After View #1 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

This 63 year old patient, referred by another patient to Dr. Parker, requested improvement in the appearance of her eyelids. Specifically, she was bothered by the heaviness of her upper eyelids and the puffiness of her lower eyelids. Dr. Parker performed an upper lid blepharoplasty, removing excess skin and herniated fat from the patient’s up... Read More
Eyelid Lift Case 75 Before & After View #1 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

This 61 year old was referred by her primary care physician for improvement in the appearance of her upper eyelids. She was bothered by their increasing “heaviness”. Dr. Parker performed an upper lid blepharoplasty removing asymmetric excess skin and a conservative amount of medial, herniated fat. The patient loved the speed and ease of her r... Read More
Eyelid Lift Case 88 Before & After View #1 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

This 38 year old was referred to Dr. Parker by another patient, and came in requesting improvement of her low eyebrows, excess upper eyelid skin, puffiness of her lower eyelids and deepening tear troughs. Dr. Parker performed an endoscopic brow lift, upper lid blepharoplasty and lower lid blepharoplasty. He carefully transferred herniated fat... Read More
Eyelid Lift Case 1385 Before & After Front | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

This 41 year old, referred to Dr. Parker by another patient, asked him to lift her heavy eyebrows, remove her excess upper eyelid skin and lift her drooping left upper eyelid. During the patient’s consultation with Dr. Parker, he explained he could perform an endoscopic brow lift to lift her eyebrows, excise her excess upper eyelid skin and t... Read More
Eyelid Lift Case 56 Before & After View #1 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

This 53 year old patient asked Dr. Parker to rejuvenate her upper and lower eyelids which were making her look much more tired than she felt. Dr. Parker performed and upper and lower blepharoplasty. He removed the excess skin from the upper eyelids. In the lower eyelids, Dr. Parker excised the herniated fat responsible for the puffiness, then... Read More
Eyelid Lift Case 883 Before & After View #4 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

This 44 year old existing Parker Center patient asked Dr. Parker to rejuvenate her upper and lower eyelids. In recent years, her upper eyelids had developed some excess skin and her lower eyelids had become increasingly puffy, making the patient look tired, even when she is well-rested.  Dr. Parker removed the small amount of excess skin... Read More
Eyelid Lift Case 94 Before & After View #1 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After

Signs of Aging in the Eye Area

The delicate area around the eyes often shows signs of aging earlier than other areas of the face. As the production of collagen and elastin slows, your skin naturally loses its elasticity. You also lose fat and bone around the eyes, contributing to sagging in the eyelids and brows. Years of changing expressions lead to dynamic wrinkles, such as crow’s feet and worry lines.

These changes can make you look tired, angry, and older than you feel. In addition to cosmetic changes, loose skin accumulating around the eyes and eyelids may obstruct your peripheral vision.

Dr. Parker with a patient

Our Experienced surgeon

Dr. Paul M. Parker

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Paul M. Parker combines an unwavering dedication to patient satisfaction with surgical expertise to create aesthetically pleasing, natural-looking results.

Meet Dr. Parker

Credentials You Can Trust

Dr. Parkers credentials logos including Fellow Americna College of Surgeons, American Society of Plastic Surgeons, The Aesthetic Society, The Rhinoplasty Society, The Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation, Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons, New Jersey Society of Plastuc Surgeons, & The Plastic Surgery Foundation

Eyelid Surgery or Brow Lift?

Even though both procedures target sagging skin around the eyes, the approaches are different.

Eyelid surgery, also called blepharoplasty, focuses specifically on the skin right around your eyes. Upper eyelid surgery removes skin (and sometimes fat) from your upper eyelid. Dr. Parker conceals the incisions within the natural creases of the eyelid. Lower eyelid surgery addresses bags and hollows beneath your eyes. Dr. Parker tailors his technique to your specific concerns.

A brow lift elevates eyebrows and lifts heavy skin from the eyelids but doesn’t remove extra eyelid skin.

Here’s a closer look at each of the procedures:

Upper Eyelid Surgery

Before performing the surgery, Dr. Parker draws lines where he’ll make upper eyelid incisions. The lower incision is placed in the upper eyelid crease, called the “supra tarsal fold.” The upper incision is carefully placed to remove the excess skin while ensuring you can close your eyelids after surgery. Dr. Parker reviews the surgical plan in detail with you using a hand-held mirror.

During the procedure, Dr. Parker removes excess skin, fat, and a small amount of underlying muscle to sculpt a cleaner, more youthful-looking upper eyelid. He closes incisions with very fine sutures. The incision almost always heals as a thin, inconspicuous scar hidden in the lid’s natural fold. Upper eyelid surgery takes about 45 minutes to perform. Dr. Parker uses local anesthesia, alone or with intravenous sedation, to keep you comfortable.

Some patients choose to have Dr. Parker remove their corrugator muscles during upper eyelid surgery. He’ll discuss this option with you during your initial consultation. The paired muscles cause frowning and wrinkling between your eyebrows and contribute to horizontal forehead wrinkles. Dr. Parker can remove these muscles during upper eyelid surgery using the same incisions. This adds approximately 30 minutes to the blepharoplasty procedure. BOTOX® andJeuveau® are nonsurgical options that soften the lines for 3 to 6 months.

Eyelid Lift Case 877 Before & After View #4 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Upper Eyelid Surgery
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Eyelid Lift Case 77 Before & After View #1 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Upper Eyelid Surgery
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Eyelid Lift Case 95 Before & After View #1 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Upper Eyelid Surgery
Case 3 of 3
Eyelid Lift Case 870 Before & After View #4 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Upper Eyelid Surgery With Corrugator Muscle Removal
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Combining Upper Blepharoplasty With Lateral Browpexy

Dr. Parker can elevate the outer (lateral) eyebrows during upper lid eyelid surgery using the same incision. A lateral browpexy provides long-term results and adds about 15 minutes to the procedure.

Eyelid Lift Case 871 Before & After View #4 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Blepharoplasty With Lateral Browpexy
Case 1 of 1

What Happens After Upper Eyelid Surgery?

Our nursing staff briefly monitors you in our recovery room before you go home. Most patients experience little pain after the operation. Dr. Parker doesn’t bandage the eyes, and he removes the sutures within 5 to 6 days. Swelling and discoloration subside within 10 to 14 days. You can apply makeup to camouflage bruising after one week. Patients may return to normal activities in 7 to 10 days and exercise in 2 weeks.

Lower Eyelid Surgery

Dr. Parker’s approach to lower lid blepharoplasty is highly personalized because each patient’s face and eyelids age in a unique way. After evaluating your facial features, he recommends a course of treatment based on the condition of your skin, fat, and muscle, as well as the contour where your eyelids and cheek meet.

Lower eyelid procedures take approximately 45 to 90 minutes, and they are most commonly performed using intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. Dr. Parker does not bandage the eyes, and there are no sutures to remove except in the case of skin removal.

Transconjunctival Fat Removal Only

Transconjunctival blepharoplasty minimizes puffiness under your eyes, making you look well-rested and younger without visible scarring. Dr. Parker usually performs this procedure on patients who have good skin quality but have puffiness caused by herniated fat. He makes an incision inside the lower eyelid to avoid an external scar and then removes the fat.

The procedure takes approximately 45 minutes and typically uses intravenous sedation.

Eyelid Lift Case 69 Before & After View #1 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Lower Eyelid Surgery With Transconjunctival Fat Removal
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Eyelid Lift Case 80 Before & After View #1 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Lower Eyelid Surgery With Transconjunctival Fat Removal
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Transconjunctival Fat Repositioning to Improve the Tear Trough

Younger and older patients with under-eye puffiness caused by herniated fat who also have depressions in the tear trough area are good candidates for this procedure. After making an incision inside the lower lid, Dr. Parker repositions the fat instead of removing it to fill the tear trough. The first patient in the before and after photos below is 34, while the second patient is 73.

This procedure takes approximately 1 hour.

Eyelid Lift Case 76 Before & After View #1 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Lower Eyelid Surgery With Fat Repositioning
Case 1 of 1

Transconjunctival Fat Repositioning & TCA Peel

Women or men with crepey skin, fine lines, discoloration, and puffiness can benefit from this approach to lower eyelid surgery. Dr. Parker makes the incision inside the lower lid and repositions the herniated fat if there is a tear trough depression. If not, he removes the fat. He then uses a trichloroacetic acid (TCA) chemical peel to address creepy skin, discoloration, or fine lines, which also results in tighter skin.

This procedure takes approximately 75 minutes.

Eyelid Lift Case 94 Before & After View #1 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Lower Eyelid Surgery With Fat Repositioning & TCA Peel
Case 1 of 1

Transconjunctival Fat Repositioning & Skin Removal

Dr. Parker uses this technique if you have puffy lower lids and excess skin. He repositions fat after making an incision inside the lower lid if there is a tear trough depression. Otherwise, he removes the fat. Dr. Parker then suspends the lateral canthal tendon (on the outer aspect of the eyelid) upward with sutures to minimize the risk of lower lid retraction during the healing process. Finally, Dr. Parker makes an incision just beneath the lash line and conservatively removes excess skin. The lower lid scar is barely perceptible after healing.

This procedure takes approximately 90 minutes, with sutures removed within 4 to 5 days.

Eyelid Lift Case 883 Before & After View #4 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Lower Eyelid Surgery With Fat Repositioning & Skin Removal
Case 1 of 1

Fat Injections for Lower Eyelid Hollowing

Fat grafting to the lower eyelid area, which plastic surgeons refer to as the nasojugal groove and tear trough areas, reduces the apparent length of the lower eyelid. This results in a youthful, attractive, and smooth transition from the lower eyelid to the cheek.

After Dr. Parker harvests the fat, it is purified and carefully injected deep into a sub-muscular/pre-periosteal plane. He then carefully massages the fat to help create a smooth contour.

Nonsurgical Face Procedures Case 884 Before & After View #4 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Fat Injections for Lower Eyelid Hollowing
Case 1 of 1

Fat Repositioning, Skin Removal & TCA Peel

Dr. Parker typically performs this procedure if you have:

  • Puffiness of the lower lids due to herniated fat
  • Excess skin which requires removal
  • Crepey skin, fine wrinkling, and/or discoloration (surgeons call it “hyperpigmentation”) of your skin and the above with or without a depression in the tear trough area.
Eyelid Lift Case 1389 Before & After Front View | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Lower Eyelid Surgery With Fat Repositioning & Skin Removal
Case 1 of 1

This procedure takes approximately 90 minutes, and sutures are removed within 4 to 5 days.

This technique follows the same steps as transconjunctival fat repositioning and skin removal, along with performing a TCA chemical peel.

Your Blepharoplasty and Brow Lift Consultation & Imaging Session

Consultations at the Parker Center are special. Dr. Parker will spend extra time with you, ensuring that he understands your goals and that you are fully educated about each potential solution. Additionally, our imaging expert will help you see the possibilities with digital photo imaging to show you what you will look like after surgery. Patients who are comparing providers often tell us our consults are the most thorough and informative they’ve ever experienced!

Your Pre-Op Eyelid and Brow Surgery Education Session 

One to two weeks before your scheduled eyelid or brow surgery, you will undergo a one-hour, in-office, face-to-face education session with one of Dr. Parker’s Nurse Educators. During this session, the nurse educator thoroughly reviews a detailed information packet to further educate you about your procedure. This includes a discussion of what to do to prepare for surgery, what occurs on the day of surgery, and what to expect after surgery during your recovery. It’s a detailed session that really educates our patients about the entire surgical process at the Parker Center. Patients tell us they love it because they feel so well-prepared for their surgery. Learn more about what to expect during your pre-op education session.

What Happens After Lower Eyelid Surgery?

Most patients spend about an hour in our recovery room after their surgery, then they are allowed to return home in the care of a responsible friend or loved one.

woman relaxing in robe

Financing Surgery Makes Dreams Come True

We believe plastic surgery should be accessible to as many people as possible. That’s why we offer financing through lenders that specialize in setting up payment plans for elective cosmetic surgery. We can discuss financing during your consultation.

Learn More About Financing Options

How Long Do Eyelid Surgery Results Last?

When performed by an experienced and skilled plastic surgeon, upper or lower eyelid surgery results last for years. You can keep your rejuvenated eyes looking their best by practicing good skincare habits, wearing sunscreen daily, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Woman before, after, and years after endoscopic browlift and facelift
This 50-year-old patient is shown before, after, and 10 years after an endoscopic brow lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, facelift, and peri-oral dermabrasion. She has been delighted with her natural appearance and the restoration and long-term maintenance of her youthful facial features.

Brow Lift

Dr. Parker offers an array of brow lift options to accomplish several goals:

  • Raise the eyebrows to a more aesthetically pleasing position
  • Smooth horizontal wrinkles across the forehead & between the eyebrows
  • Restore a more rested and youthful appearance

During your initial consultation, Dr. Parker listens to what bothers you, takes a medical history, and examines your forehead and face, focusing on the areas around your eyes. He will assess your eyebrow position, upper eyelid skin excess, the wrinkles on your forehead and between your eyebrows, and the quality of your forehead skin. Dr. Parker then reviews his findings with you and discusses the various treatment options available.

Temporal Brow Lift

A patient undergoing upper eyelid surgery who is also concerned about sagging of the outer third of the eyebrows—which typically descend first—is a good candidate for a temporal brow lift. The procedure involves making approximately 1-inch incisions behind the hairline near the temples and elevating the underlying muscle and tissue to a more youthful position. Dr. Parker may also remove the corrugator muscles during this procedure using the upper eyelid incisions.

Brow Lift Case 2 Before & After View #1 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Temporal Brow Lift
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Brow Lift Case 2 Before & After View #2 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Temporal Brow Lift
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Endoscopic Brow Lift

During an endoscopic brow lift, Dr. Parker makes 2 small incisions, each about 0.75 inches long, hidden in the hairline. He also makes a somewhat longer incision behind your temporal hairline. He then inserts a thin telescopic probe, called an endoscope, that’s connected to a camera and television monitor. Guided by the endoscope, he surgically lifts your forehead skin from the underlying tissues.

Dr. Parker then removes a significant portion of the corrugator muscles using the endoscope for optimal visualization. He elevates your eyebrows into a more youthful position and holds them in place with sutures and 2 devices called Endotine® tines. He then closes the incisions with sutures.

Brow Lift Case 872 Before & After View #4 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Endoscopic Brow Lift
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Brow Lift Case 98 Before & After View #1 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Endoscopic Brow Lift
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Pre-Hairline Brow Lift

Patients concerned about their low brows and high hairlines will merit additional discussion with Dr. Parker. He will offer 3 options:

  • Make their hairline the priority and leave their brows alone
  • Undergo an endoscopic procedure and accept a high hairline
  • Choose a pre-hairline incision at the frontal hairline to lift their brows and maintain or even shorten their forehead height
Brow Lift Case 115 Before & After View #1 | Paramus, New Jersey | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Pre-Hairline Brow Lift
Case 1 of 1

If you choose the last option, Dr. Parker carefully makes an incision along the axis of the frontal hair follicles, then curves the incision back into the temporal scalp recess to hide it. He then lifts your forehead skin from the underlying tissues using this incision and removes a significant portion of the corrugator muscles. He elevates your eyebrows to a more aesthetically pleasing and youthful position, holding them in place with sutures, and then removes some forehead skin and somewhat lowers the hairline. There is a permanent scar along the frontal hairline, but careful design and closure of this incision typically lead to a well-concealed scar.

female model

Our Signature

Rapid Recovery Program

Our surgical procedures, anesthesia, medications, and aftercare are tailored to minimize post-operative discomfort and accelerate recuperation.

Learn More

What Can I Expect During Brow Lift Recovery?

Brow lift surgery usually takes approximately 1 to 2 hours, depending on the details being performed. We ensure your comfort with monitored intravenous sedation or general anesthesia administered by one of our board-certified anesthesiologists.

Rapid Recovery Blepharoplasty & Brow Lift

The Parker Center’s Rapid Recovery techniques, used during and after your blepharoplasty or brow lift, help you heal more rapidly and comfortably than you might experience at another practice. This means less time off from work and a sooner return to your normal activities.

Dr. Parker’s Rapid Recovery protocol includes:

  • Short-acting anesthetic agents and anti-emetic medications to hasten the recovery from anesthesia
  • A tailored regimen of medications given before, during, and after surgery to minimize postoperative pain, swelling, and bruising
  • Three postoperative medical manual lymphatic drainage massages to reduce swelling and bruising as well as accelerate healing
  • Topically applied state-of-the-art scar cream to help minimize the scars’ appearance.

You can shower and resume light activities the day after your blepharoplasty or brow lift surgery. We encourage you to move around briefly starting the first day to boost circulation.

The recovery after lower eyelid surgery is a bit longer than the time needed after upper blepharoplasty. You can expect moderate swelling with minimal skin discoloration, which typically subsides within 10 to 14 days. You can apply makeup after 10 days, which is when you should expect to return to normal activities. Wait 2 weeks before resuming exercise.

There is usually very little postoperative pain for a brow lift. Patients may shower and shampoo their hair the day after surgery. We remove sutures within 10 days. Swelling and discoloration typically subside within 10 to 14 days. You can apply camouflage makeup after 1 week and resume exercise in 2 weeks.

Request an Eyelid or Brow Lift Consultation With Dr. Parker

Explore your options for rejuvenation around the eyes with Dr. Parker by requesting a consultation using the online form or by calling us at (201) 967-1212. He will listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and explain the procedure with no pressure to make an immediate decision.


5 Reasons to Choose

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

We believe plastic surgery should be accessible to as many people as possible. That's why we offer financing through lenders that specialize in setting up payment plans for elective cosmetic surgery. We can discuss financing during your consultation.


Results: Dr. Parker is known for remarkable results that may surpass your expectations

Your Results

Safety: Our state-of-the-art, fully licensed, Medicare-accredited surgical center meets the highest standards of safety

Your Safety

Education: We give you all the information, empowering you to make informed decisions

Your Education

Rapid Recovery: Our protocol includes massage, medications, and advanced surgical techniques for reduced downtime

Your Rapid Recovery

Patient Experience: We create a positive, supportive environment in our beautiful, private facility

Your Atmosphere
