
Procedure Snapshot

Ear pinning surgery, or otoplasty, can help correct overly large or protruding ears, restoring balance to facial features. Dr. Parker performs otoplasty for children and adults.

Cost & Recovery

  • Schedule your cosmetic consultation with Dr. Parker to get your personalized quote backed by our Price Guarantee.
  • Patients typically resume normal activity 7 to 10 days after surgery.

Quick Facts

  • Boys age 5 and up are common candidates for ear pinning surgery
  • The ears are brought closer to the head using permanent sutures, hidden in the crease behind the ear
  • Otoplasty can be performed using intravenous sedation
  • 4,175 male patients had otoplasty in 2019**

**Statistical information listed here is drawn from 2019 The Aesthetic Society data

 Before & After Photos

Case: 1 of 9
Case: 1 of 9
Otoplasty Case 243 Before & After View #2 | Paramus, NJ | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After
Case: 1 of 8

Case #243

This 30 year old became increasingly concerned about the prominent appearance of his ears as his hair thinned. During his initial consultation with Dr. Parker, the patient showed him ‘imaged’ pictures, his wife had performed, to show what he wanted his ears to look like after surgery. He was very specific in terms of what he wanted. Dr. Parke... Read More
Otoplasty Case 1099 Before & After Front | Paramus, NJ | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After
Case: 2 of 8

Case #1099

This 23 year old asked Dr. Parker to improve his protruding ears which have become increasingly bothersome to him. At the patient’s initial consultation, Dr. Parker explained the anatomic reasons for his prominent ears and how they could be corrected surgically. At surgery, which was performed under local anesthesia, Dr. Parker made inconspic... Read More
Otoplasty Case 1205 Before & After View #1  | Paramus, NJ | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After
Case: 3 of 8

Case #1205

This 7 year old increasingly expressed concern to his mother about his prominent ears. During the patient’s consultation, Dr. Parker explained the anatomical reasons for the ears being prominent and how they could be corrected surgically. The patient and his mother were very much on board with the paln. At surgery, Dr. Parker made inconspicuo... Read More
Otoplasty Case 236 Before & After View #1 | Paramus, NJ | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After
Case: 4 of 8

Case #236

This 28 year old, referred to Dr. Parker by his own physician, requested correction of his prominent ears. At the patient’s initial consultation with Dr. Parker, he explained the relevant anatomy of the patient’s ears, why looked the way they did and how he could correct them to look more natural. Several weeks later, under local anesthesia,... Read More
Otoplasty Case 250 Before & After View #2 | Paramus, NJ | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After
Case: 5 of 8

Case #250

This 28 year old told Dr Parker that he has been bothered by his prominent ears for some time and finally decided to have them fixed. During the patient’s initial consultation, Dr. Parker explained that his ears were prominent because the anti helical fold had not fully formed and his concha was large. At surgery, under local anesthesia, Dr.... Read More
Otoplasty Case 239 Before & After View #2 | Paramus, NJ | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After
Case: 6 of 8

Case #239

This 19 year old has been aware of his protruding ears for years but recently decided he wanted the problem corrected. Under local anesthesia, Dr. Parker performed an otoplasty on both ears. Using a small inconspicuous incision in the crease behind both ears, he created an normal-appearing anti helical fold with sutures, giving the ears a nor... Read More
Otoplasty Case 1096 Before & After Front | Paramus, NJ | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After
Case: 7 of 8

Case #1096

This 38 year old asked Dr Parker to correct his protruding ears which have bothered him as long as he can remember. At the patient’s initial consultation, Dr. Parker explained the anatomic reasons for his prominent ears and how they could be corrected surgically. At surgery, which was performed under local anesthesia, Dr. Parker made inconspi... Read More
Otoplasty Case 249 Before & After View #2 | Paramus, NJ | Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Before & After
Case: 8 of 8

Case #249

This 14 year old asked Dr. Parker to improve his prominent ears which increasingly bother him. During the patient’s initial consultation, Dr. Parker explained that his ears were prominent because the anti helical fold had not fully formed and his conchae were somewhat enlarged. At surgery, Dr. Parker created a normal antihelical fold, then sl... Read More

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

Ears that over-protrude from the sides of the head can make boys and men self-conscious about their appearance. By reshaping and reducing the prominence of the ears, an otoplasty (cosmetic ear surgery) can be performed as a wonderful solution.

Dr. Paul Parker

Paul M. Parker, M.D., FACS

Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

Known for his surgical talent and caring personality, Dr. Parker has been serving the community for over 35 years. He has dedicated his practice to the education, safety, and comfort of his patients—making each one feel as important as family.

The Aesthetic Society; American Society of Plastic Surgeons; International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery; The Rhinoplasty Society
The Aesthetic Society; American Society of Plastic Surgeons; International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery; The Rhinoplasty Society

Considering Ear Pinning Surgery for Your Son?

Boys over the age of 5 are the most common candidates for this procedure for the following reasons:

  • The ears are nearly completely grown by this time
  • The ear cartilage is strong enough to hold stitches well
  • Most boys cite teasing as their motivation to undergo this surgery

The earlier the surgery takes place, the more they can avoid peer ridicule and the psychological trauma associated with it. However, there is no upper age limit to having this surgery performed. Teens or adults of any age, who are in good health, can be good candidates for this procedure.

Otoplasty procedures can also be combined with rhinoplastyneck contouring, and chin implants to enhance the results or improve balance to your facial features overall.

What Causes Ears to Stick Out?

Prominent ears result from an incompletely formed antihelical fold, excess conchal cartilage, or both concerns (see illustration). Dr. Parker will examine the patient, then discuss treatment options.

Problems fixed with otoplasty include deficient antihelical fold and excess concha,

About the Procedure

Ear pinning surgery is a relatively straightforward procedure that takes roughly 1½ hours to complete. It is performed under purely local anesthesia, intravenous sedation, or general anesthesia. Dr. Parker will discuss these options with you during your consultation.

Dr. Parker makes an inconspicuous incision hidden behind the ear through which he sculpts the ear cartilage into an aesthetically attractive shape. He reshapes the ear by inserting internal shaping stitches in the ear cartilage, bringing the ear closer to the side of the head and reducing its prominence. Self-dissolving stitches are used to close the incisions behind the ears.

Before & After Male Otoplasty

Boy before and after otoplasty
This 14-year-old had otoplasty by Dr. Parker. During the surgery, Dr. Parker created a normal antihelical fold, then slightly reduced the size of the concha and set it back into a normal position. 

We've Got You


With easy financing options and our plastic surgery cost estimates, you can pursue your aesthetic vision with peace of mind.

Recovery After Otoplasty

Recovery after ear pinning surgery is usually quite tolerable, and there is virtually no pain. After a brief stay in our recovery room, patients return home. Showering is permitted 3 to 4 days after the procedure ( you can bathe before then, making sure you keep the head dry). Normal activities can be resumed within 7 to 10 days, and exercise can be started at 2 weeks. Dr. Parker will give you detailed instructions for you or your child’s return to activity.

If you or your son suffers from low self-esteem because of large or protruding ears, you should contact us to discuss otoplasty. It is a very safe and long-lasting solution to this condition. During your initial consultation, Dr. Parker will discuss the procedure in detail and use computer imaging to give an idea of what the changes should look like after surgery.

Feel Confident

About Your Procedure

Our cosmetic consultations include plenty of time with Dr. Parker, our patient care coordinator, and our imaging specialist. Once your procedure is booked, our nurse educator will meet with you for a special 1-hour pre-op education session.

Request a Consultation Your Education Session

Our Rapid Recovery Program

Most of our patients lead active lives and want to return to their activities as soon as possible after surgery. With that in mind, we have tailored our surgical procedures, anesthesia, and medications, and developed our Rapid Recovery peri-operative program to optimize the recovery process. During both your consultation with Dr. Parker and in your pre-op education visit with our Nurse Educator, your anticipated recovery will be discussed in detail.

Our Signature

Rapid Recovery Program

Our surgical procedures, anesthesia, medications, and aftercare are tailored to minimize post-operative discomfort and accelerate recuperation.

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