Category Archives: Breast Implants

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

Goodbye Snoopy: Options for Improving the Shape of Tuberous Breasts

It's natural to compare oneself with others, but for women with tuberous breasts, comparisons with what's "normal" can be particularly heart-wrenching. Young women with this issue often spend years in the dark not knowing why their breasts are shaped so differently from the other women they see. If you've noticed that the overall shape of …

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Woman lies on her side on the bed with her head propped up in her hand (model)

Can You Treat My Capsular Contracture Without Surgery?

Breast augmentation is the most popular procedure at our plastic surgery practice in Paramus, New Jersey, and we love seeing so many happy patients get the shapely curves they've always wanted. Occasionally, however, patients who've had prior breast augmentation experience a condition called capsular contracture, where the tissue around their implants will harden. If you …

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Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

Making the Switch to Silicone

When Jill underwent her first breast augmentation in 1996, she was told her saline implants would probably need to be changed out in five years. Seventeen years later, her implants were still in good shape. Over the past couple years she had started to see some rippling, but nothing that was too noticeable. Despite the …

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Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgeon Offers New Non-Surgical Treatment for Capsular Contracture

Whenever a foreign object is implanted into the body, whether it is an artificial hip joint or a breast implant, the body forms a biological lining around it called a capsule. This is a normal phenomenon, but if the capsule tightens and thickens, it can compress and distort a soft object like a breast implant. …

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Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

Breast Augmentation: New Jersey patient Shelby is Thrilled with her Results

Since she was a teenager, Shelby always wanted to have bigger breasts.  As an avid exerciser, she is very fit and always felt something was missing with her figure.  Never having had surgery, Shelby had only recently decided that a breast augmentation was something she should consider. “I thought that only celebrities had breast augmentation, …

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