Making the Switch to Silicone

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

iStock_000010195252SmallWhen Jill underwent her first breast augmentation in 1996, she was told her saline implants would probably need to be changed out in five years. Seventeen years later, her implants were still in good shape. Over the past couple years she had started to see some rippling, but nothing that was too noticeable. Despite the great condition of her implants, Jill decided she’d rather get new implants sooner rather than later. She knew the implants wouldn’t last forever, and at 56 she felt the need to undergo surgery while she was young and healthy.

“I’d been so lucky so far—I didn’t want to wake up one morning to find something had deflated!” Jill said.

With some money saved up and in great physical shape, Jill decided to undergo her second breast augmentation. She knew just who to call. Dr. Parker had done her first surgery, and she knew she’d picked the right surgeon from the get-go. For years she’d received compliment after compliment on the natural appearance of her breasts and attributed that to Dr. Parker’s expertise.

“When I would go in for a physical or a mammogram, doctors always said to me, ‘Oh my God, your breasts look so natural,’” Jill said. “My own primary care physician told me he wouldn’t have known if I hadn’t told him, and you know when it’s coming from a doctor that that’s a real compliment. So of course I went back to Dr. Parker.”

When Jill underwent her first breast augmentation, saline was her only option. This time she had choices and knew she wanted to switch to silicone. Now that she did, she can’t imagine ever going back. The even more realistic feel of her breast implants blows her mind.

“There’s a huge difference between saline and silicone. Huge,” Jill explained. “When I first met with Dr. Parker to talk about it, he said that if I was happy with the saline—which I was—I was going to love the silicone. He was 1,000% right. There’s no comparison. The way they move, the way it feels, it’s so natural. They feel like real breast tissue, like a part of me.”

And it’s not just the new material she’s thrilled with. Jill decided to go a little bigger, thanks to a special fitting session at the Parker Center. The day before the surgery, Dr. Parker deflated one of her implants so she could try on different sizes with the gel bra. This allowed Jill to pick out just the right size for her new implants. With an added boost, she now has her desired look as well as the natural feel she always wanted!

Interested in learning more about breast augmentation and implant options? Visit the Parker Center for Plastic Surgery for before and after galleries, more patient stories, and greater details about the procedure.


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