Cami Loves Her Shapely Breasts After Breast Augmentation

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

Breast Augmentation

Cami is a 23-year old single mom who has always been unhappy with the size and shape of her breasts. When she finished breastfeeding, she began seriously looking for a plastic surgeon.

“Breastfeeding left my breasts like two empty sacks, and I was really unhappy about it. I knew that I wanted to have breast augmentation, and I spent a lot of time doing research on the Internet. That’s how I found Dr. Parker,” said Cami.

Cami researched plastic surgeons in her area and scheduled consultations with three different surgeons. Cami found Dr. Paul M. Parker, during her Internet search. She felt that the Parker Center had more information about breast augmentation than any other website. She read everything that was on Dr. Parker’s site and felt it was very helpful. Cami went through with each of her consultations and decided on the Parker Center for Plastic Surgery.

“Dr. Parker was more real about everything. He didn’t just jump in and tell me what to do. He asked me what I wanted. I found that refreshing; the other doctors just said, ‘This is what I’ll do.’ It was important to me that he listened first,” explained Cami.
Cami found the office at the Parker Center to be calm and orderly. She said that they clearly knew what they’re doing, and everyone she encountered was friendly and professional.

New Jersey Breast Augmentation

After her consultation, Cami felt comfortable and confident to go ahead with her surgery at the Parker Center. Six weeks ago she had her breast augmentation. Dr. Parker, ensured that everything went very smoothly, including her recovery. Cami took two weeks off from work and went back on light duty immediately after. Cami explained that she felt really great after the first week but decided that since she had the time off, she’d use it.

Patient education is a cornerstone of breast augmentation and all plastic surgery at the Parker Center. A consultation at the Parker Center usually takes at least an hour long and consists of learning about the different type of implants, meeting Dr. Parker, and a sizing session with our professional photographer. Also, you will read other patient stories, learn about the procedure in detail, and have the option of contacting other patients.

“I had wanted to do this for a long time, and I’m really glad I did it. I now feel much more feminine and confident in my own body. Dr. Parker is a fantastic doctor. I’ve already recommended him to family and friends, and I know they’ll love him too,” Cami said.

Breast augmentation is a straightforward outpatient procedure. Plastic surgery is performed in our on-site fully certified ambulatory surgical center, Surgiplex, LLC. We have a staff, including a board certified anesthesiologist and surgical nurse. Patient safety was our priority when designing the center, giving our patient the safety of a hospital operating room but in a calmer, more serene atmosphere.

To learn more about breast augmentation or any other cosmetic surgery procedure, please visit our website at or call our office at 201-967-1212 to make an appointment for a consultation.

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