Category Archives: Tummy Tuck

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

Hollywood Finally Realizing what the Parker Center has Known All Along: Natural is Better!

Recently, the NY Times published an article by Laura Holson titled, “A Little Too Ready for Her Close-Up,” which spurned a media conversation about Hollywood’s sudden about face when it comes to plastic surgery. Casting directors have been sending away actors who have obviously had plastic surgery. “Frankly, I’m surprised by this conversation,” says Dr. …

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

New Jersey Plastic Surgery News: The Power of the Internet Connects U.S. Soldier Stationed in Great Britain with Dr. Parker for Lipoabdominoplasty

Lipoabdominoplasty is a fairly new procedure and New Jersey plastic surgeon, Dr. Paul M. Parker is one of the few surgeons in the region who perform it. It is the innovative approach and quick recovery that makes this procedure so attractive to Dr. Parker’s patients who started out seeking a traditional tummy tuck. One patient, …
