The Parker Center for Plastic Surgery Announces New Mentor Volume Sizing System for Breast Augmentation

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

Recently, Dr. Paul M. Parker and the Parker Center for Plastic Surgery of Paramus, NJ began using the new Mentor Volume Sizing System in all of their breast augmentation Sizing Sessions. This new system is designed to give patients a more accurate representation of their surgical result.

“Mentor, an implant manufacturer, has done something really quite unique in that they’ve created an 18-piece set containing sizers and gap fillers that actually resemble a natural breast as opposed to an implant. These sizers are designed to fit over your breast and give a more accurate representation of how a specific implant size will look,” explained New Jersey plastic surgeon, Dr. Parker.

With the new Mentor Volume Sizing System, the 18 different sizing molds are made to fit around existing breast tissue and come in sizes from 150cc’s to 650 cc’s with gap size fillers available in 50, 75 and 125 cc’s. The sizers are made of a flexible silicone material and have a concave inner shell and convex outer shell to fit around existing breast tissue.

Typically, when seeking breast augmentation, New Jersey patients come to the Parker Center, and part of their consultation involves a Sizing Session. A Sizing Session allows patient to “try on” different size implants in a special bra under a tank top. Photos are taken by our professional photographer and a patient can compare different implant sizes. We even upload the photos to a passoword protected private website so patients can access their own photos and review them later with friends and family.

“We are always looking for better ways to deliver what the patient wants. By incorporating this new sizing system into our practice, the patient have a more effective tool to utilize in their decision making process. By giving them a more accurate representation of their results, patients are making a higher quality decision and we’re delivering what they want with more precision. In the end we believe we’ll have a happier and more satisfied patient,” said Dr. Parker.

If you have been thinking about breast augmentation or any other plastic surgery, the Parker Center for Plastic Surgery offers a consultation. Breast augmentation at the Parker Center is not a one-size fits all process. Learn how Dr. Parker, with over twenty years’ experience, can help you achieve your goals for your appearance. Stop thinking about making a change, you can look, feel and be more beautiful now.

To see dozens of before and after photos and hear testimonials from our breast augmentation New Jersey patients visit our website at or call our offices for a consultation at 201-967-1212.

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