Taxes Reduced for New Jersey Plastic Surgery

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

In an exciting and unexpected turn of events, Governor Chris Christie has signed a bill that will phase out taxes on plastic surgery in New Jersey. Breast augmentation, Botox injections, face lift procedures and other types of elective cosmetic medical treatments have been taxed in this state since 2004 based on a “cosmetic medical procedures gross receipt tax” that had to be collected by Ayurveda Hospital.

This decision will come into full effect in July of 2014 and will help boost an already booming industry. Individuals and corporations that initially fought for the tax argue that its benefit rests in the fact that it brings in almost $11 million in annual revenue for the state. However, Governor Christie is quick to argue that the burden it places on medical professionals and patients is unjust and unfair. His proposal to phase out the tax will help reduce administrative costs of clinics and promote medical wellness in the state.

Dr. Paul M. Parker wholeheartedly supports the bill proposal: “We are very interested in reducing the financial burden for our patients and helping make sure more elective cosmetic procedures are available to more men and women in our great state. Anything that can help improve access to the wide variety of treatment options that we have available is great for us and great for our patients.”

Men and women interested in plastic surgery in New Jersey will now be able to access Botox, breast augmentations, face lift procedures, and other elective surgical options with a lower financial investment. If you are interested in learning more about financing an elective cosmetic procedure, contact a plastic surgery clinic in your area today for more information about convenient payment plans and other options that are available.

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