Should You Be Eating a Microbiome Diet?

Woman with painted digestive diagram on her abdomen

One look at a magazine shelf and you’re bound to see the latest fad diet being touted by a svelte celebrity figure. Ketogenic, Paleo, South Beach, Whole30, Anti-Inflammatory Diet…the list goes on. It’s no wonder so many of us feel overwhelmed by diet tips.

You’ve also likely experienced that what works for one body doesn’t work for you. Doctors and scientists are discovering reasons why that is the case—and in the process, have come across an approach to diet that might actually be useful for everyone.

Curious? MindBodyGreen recently talked with an Integrative Gastroenterologist about our personal microbiomes and how ideas about healthy eating might be shifting toward individualized recommendations.

The common denominator that makes each of us special

While it’s generally agreed that avoiding stuff like excessive sugar, overly processed foods, and unnatural preservatives supports good health, there is one big reason a given diet won’t provide consistent results across the population: each person’s unique microbiome.

Your gut’s microbiome consists of trillions of bacteria that help us digest foods and absorb vitamins and nutrients to help keep our bodies healthy and energized. We also have microbiomes in most other areas of our bodies, including our skin, mouths, and reproductive systems. And, according to the article, only about 10% of your microbiome is similar to others.

The uniqueness of the good bacteria in your system could be the key reason why a diet that works beautifully for some of your friends does nothing for you.

Microbiome tests—and diet recommendations based on them—might be the future of healthy eating

Given the importance of your body’s unique colonies of good bacteria, gastroenterologists are starting to recommend adjusting eating habits to support a healthy microbiome. If you’re curious to see if this newer approach might work for you, consider getting a microbiome test. You can talk to your doctor or look into independent microbiome testing services.

Gastroenterologists working in this area believe having this information could help you better understand what foods work best for you and make maintaining overall good health easier.

Individualized patient care may be the future, but it’s also time-honored

Here at the Parker Center, we’re big believers in the benefits of individualized patient care—so we won’t be at all surprised if fad diets become a thing of the past, having been replaced by recommendations that suit each person’s needs.

In the meantime, we’ll continue our 30+ year tradition of helping our patients look and feel their best by listening carefully to their needs and offering individualized care plans. If you are looking to improve your shape or optimize your appearance, we invite you to contact us for a .

Read the full article to get more details on the microbiome and healthy eating.

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