Bergen County Plastic Surgery News: Parker Center Patient Raves About Lipoabdominoplasty Results

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

Wendy’s smile could be heard in her voice as she spoke about her recent experience with lipoabdominoplasty at the Parker Center. After hearing her story, it became obvious why she was so happy.

Wendy is a petite woman and all of her children were quite large when they were born. Needless to say, that took a toll on her body. She had her last child 7 year ago and knew she wanted to do something but the timing was all wrong. She was finishing up her degree, getting ready to start a new job plus the everyday obligations of family; she kept putting herself on the back-burner.


“I was making all of these accomplishments- school, work and family- but my body and mind weren’t in sync.” She knew what she had to do to achieve happiness with her body but the expense was all too great. Instead, Wendy threw herself into researching New Jersey tummy tuck. Seven years later, she came across Dr. Parker’s Web site, looked at the lipoabdominoplasty photos and knew that the Parker Center was the place for her.

Wendy and her husband decided to go in for a consultation. The cost factor had been one of the issues that had been stopping Wendy for the past 7 years and she was still doing it. Her husband said, “You have to do this. You are never going to feel good about you if you don’t.”


Wendy’s description of the procedure is quite poetic. She likened those first few days as if she were a caterpillar going through metamorphosis. “I could feel it, sense it. A change was taking place and it was extraordinary,” she said.

After waking from the surgery, she looked down and felt tightness in her abdomen and knew at that moment that her life was changed. She is now 6 weeks post-op and already back to all of her normal activities. Every day, Wendy sees it getting better and better. Her tummy is flat again and the lipoabdominoplasty technique also gave her some womanly curves that she just loves.

For Wendy, finally deciding to have the procedure was a long time coming. She was so glad that she chose the Parker Center. “Everyone there made you feel like you were the only patient there,” she said. “Dr. Parker is an amazing gentleman. He really is interested in you and helping you.”

After her procedure, Wendy found the mind/body connection that she had been missing as she was hiding behind baggy clothes and sagging skin. “You feel good about you. Your self-confidence exudes and it affects everyone around you.” And her confidence is through the roof- she’s even gone out and bought a bikini just for her.

For anyone on the fence about having this procedure, Wendy emphatically says, “Do it. Do it now. Run- don’t wait.”

For more information on lipoabdominoplasty, visit To schedule a consultation with Dr. Parker, call (201) 967-1212.

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