Parker Center Mentioned in yet Another Blog!

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

It looks like our site is making the rounds and getting noticed! This time we got a shout-out from Dr. Jeffrey Donaldson on their blog about patient education in plastic surgery practices. Like us, they believe that the more a potential patient knows about their cosmetic surgery procedure, the better informed they will be which will lead to a more positive experience and results!

Here is a preview:

We use many of the same tools that Dr. Parker uses on his New Jersey plastic surgery Website for The Parker Center. This include video and written testimonials, procedural information and staff background and credentials. All of these tools are instrumental in not only educating potential patients, but also in choosing the right facility and surgeon.

As noted in the press release, there are thousands of pages on plastic surgery so it is imperative that ours offers accurate information and is also welcoming. Patient education is beneficial to everyone and because most potential patients search the Internet first, the Website is where they get their first impression. This is why, like Dr. Parker recently updated his New Jersey breast augmentation pages, we are always reviewing the information on our site and updating when necessary.

Let’s return the favor and read the full post on their site, located here.

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