Hollywood Finally Realizing what The Parker Center for Plastic Surgery has Known All Along: Natural is Better
Board certified New Jersey plastic surgeon, Dr. Paul M. Parker responds to recent media coverage of Hollywood’s transition to more natural-looking actors instead of over-done “fake” ones.
Voorhees, NJ (Vocus/PRWEB ) June 2, 2010 — Laura Holson’s NY Times article “A Little Too Ready for Her Close-Up” started a conversation in the media, including a Today Show segment, about Hollywood’s about face when it comes to actors and plastic surgery. In the article, Holson discusses a trend among Hollywood casting directors to send home those actors who have obviously had plastic surgery. It would seem Hollywood has finally figured out that freakish and over-enhanced faces and bodies are not what the general public wants to see.
“Frankly, I’m surprised by this conversation,” says Dr. Parker. “I would have thought something like this would have occurred years ago.”
For years, the two main principles of The Parker Center have been natural-looking results and to recover the patients quickly and painlessly. This is what Dr. Parker calls “plastic surgery common sense.”

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In New Jersey, rhinoplasty, liposuction, tummy tucks, breast augmentation and facelifts are among the most popular procedures. Dr. Parker uses computer imaging, patient education, an experienced team of registered nurses and board certified anesthesiologists in addition to his unique Rapid Recovery program to achieve the principles listed above when performing those and other procedures.
“The recovery from surgery is an important part of achieving a good result,” says Dr. Parker. “It is widely known in our field that a patient who recovers quickly will have fewer complications and likely achieve an excellent result because the procedure has been performed efficiently and well.”
When it comes to procedures like breast augmentation, New Jersey patients are fully educated about the procedure. Sizing and Shaping Sessions are performed preoperatively with Dr. Parker’s staff to help achieve natural looking results and a breast size with which they are very comfortable. Patients almost always will comment after surgery how helpful these sessions were in obtaining the natural appearance they were seeking.
“The art of plastic surgery includes not just being a good surgeon in the operating room, but also the ability of you and your team to listen to what the patient wants, then convey to them a plan which will give them natural results and a rapid recovery from the procedure,” says Dr. Parker.
This has always been the attitude of The Parker Center and natural-looking results are definitely what most patients desire. Even with the freakishly looking celebrity makeovers like the over-tightening of Kenny Rogers face and the overblown lips of Melanie Griffith, non-celebs are sticking with a more natural subtle change to give them a younger appearance. The fact that Hollywood is following suit will be a refreshing change for the media.
Hollywood is not saying that they are anti-plastic surgery by all means. But, as mentioned in the Today Show video segment and NY Times article, everything in moderation is ok. Casting directors are of the opinion that if they can’t tell an actor has had surgery then it doesn’t matter. It is overdone plastic surgery where actors do not look natural and look weird that raises red flags.

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Dr. Parker cannot speak to what the norm is on the West Coast. He knows that his New Jersey plastic surgery patients appreciate a natural, subtle change to their appearance. They want to look like a better version of themselves, not some freakish version.
He recently had a patient who said she wanted a drastic change and even used the word “freakish” to try and get her point across. She was worried that the New Jersey facelift technique Dr. Parker had described to her would leave her with very little change in her appearance. Dr. Parker educated the patient by carefully showing her using a hand held mirror exactly what he was going to do, then directed his computer imager to show the patient those changes on her pre operative photographs.
The patient felt much better after this explanation and approached her surgery with excitement. Her procedure, like all surgeries performed by Dr. Parker, was performed in the Parker Center’s fully certified, state of the art, ambulatory surgical facility. Afterwards, the patient was delighted with her quick recovery and her natural looking results. She recently attended a family function where one person after another told her how well rested and great she looked.
Dr. Parker seems surprised that Hollywood is finally catching onto what has been known and practiced by the Parker Center for years: natural results after plastic surgery make for happy patients who look like a normal, better version of themselves. To learn more about a quick, painless recovery after plastic surgery with natural results, call Michelle at 201-967-1212, or visit the Parker Center’s website parkercenter.net.
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