Patient Knew Dr. Parker Was the One for Her Rhinoplasty and Eyelid Surgery

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

At 25, Angela is a well-adjusted and confident woman. Ask her what she would change about herself and she would quickly say, “My nose and eyes.” Family genes often run deep in families and Angela’s is no different. “My dad has the same nose,” she says. “On a girl though, it was out of place with the rest of my features.”
Though her eyes are less about genetics, as she got older, the puffy bags became more prominent and actually began to bother her more than the nose she’d had all of her life. At only 25, “I looked tired all the time and a lot older than my 25 years,” says Angela. “I tried creams. I tried lotions. I even had massages and nothing worked. I knew surgery was my only option.”

When asked why she decided to have the New Jersey eyelid surgery and rhinoplasty, Angela simply replied, “I knew for years that I wanted to do this. And, if there’s something that bothers you and you can fix it….why shouldn’t you?”

As confident as she was about having cosmetic surgery, it was a surprise to learn that it would also be her first experience with anesthesia and surgery. She was so confident because she had done her homework. After two consultations with other plastic surgeons, she was 99% certain that Dr. Parker was going to perform her New Jersey rhinoplasty and lower eyelid surgery. She did take her grandmother with her to her consultation though. “She was more nervous than I was and I wanted her to meet Dr. Parker so she would be comfortable with my choice of surgeons.”
Angela actually got to see Dr. Parker’s handiwork up close because a colleague of hers was a former rhinoplasty patient of Dr. Parker. “I had admired her results and from talking to her, knew that Dr. Parker was going to be the one for me.” Her consultation with him did not disappoint. “He was very honest with me and we both had realistic expectations about the results.”

While many patients experience self-esteem and confidence issues prior to New Jersey plastic surgery, Angela felt none of these often debilitating feelings. “I just knew all along that I was going to fix it one day, so it never really affected me,” she said. While no big change to her personality, she does say, “I love going out and not worrying about putting on under-eye make-up!”


When asked about her New Jersey rhinoplasty and eyelid procedure specifically, Angela quickly responded, “It was almost too easy.” This is because of not only the pre-operative education, but also Dr. Parker’s pre-op vitamin regimen and post-op steps to his Rapid Recovery Program. Angela was amazed at how little bruising she had and how quickly it dissipated and thoroughly attributes this to those supplements prescribed for Rapid Recovery.

When it comes to her results, Angela couldn’t be happier. “The changes were so natural and so subtle. I could see the difference, but other people were confused about what was different about me.”

Whether it is for New Jersey eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty or both, Angela highly recommends Dr. Parker and his staff at the Parker Center. “From the consultation to the follow-ups, I can’t recommend him highly enough!”

You can find more information on these procedures and more at To schedule your own consultation for lower eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty or any other cosmetic procedure, contact The Parker Center at (201) 967-1212.

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