New Jersey Plastic Surgery News: Parker Center Featured In Educational Press Release

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

team_photo_janet_02.jpgThe Parker Center and Dr. Paul M. Parker have been featured in a press release discussing the value of informational web sites.This release encourages potential patients to use plastic surgery websites such as to educate and inform themselves before making any decisions on a plastic surgery procedures.

The Parker Center notes in the release that they make it a priority to keep their site up-to-date on the latest information for procedures and techniques to help educate patients around the country including New Jersey. Plastic surgery is a big decision and Parker Center is there to guide potential patients.

Dr. Parker used this opportunity to not only encourage those thinking of plastic surgery to do online research but also to share the value of going in for a consultation to continue gathering information.
Below are some excerpts from the release featuring New Jersey Plastic Surgeon Dr. Paul M. Parker:
New Jersey plastic surgeon, Dr. Paul M. Parker, specifically addresses not just the physical aspects of procedures, but also the emotional considerations. Most recently, his site has expanded information on his New Jersey breast lift and augmentation pages because of their popularity and the myriad of choices concerning lift technique, incision sites, types of implants, placement and size and more.
“Patients are savvy about their health,” says Dr. Parker. “As plastic surgeons, we have a responsibility to empower them with knowledge. It also makes for a more productive consultation. When they come in armed with their own research and a list of questions, it ensures that we address everything that they are concerned about.”

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