Facelift Surgeon, Dr. Paul Parker Helps Women Look Younger and Slim the Face with a Facelift and Neck Lift

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

New Jersey plastic surgeon, Dr. Paul M. Parker, explains the various ways in which facelift and neck lift procedures are used alone or together to give patients a slimmer and younger looking face.

Chronological and physiological aging, weight gain, weight loss and genetics are all responsible for issues around the face and neck that are often of concern to patients. These issues can be corrected with a New Jersey facelift, neck lift or both.

“When these patients come to see us in our office, I will ask them to prioritize what it is that bothers them. In some, it’s the aging changes of the face alone, neck alone or both. In examining these patients, I look carefully at their anatomy. Correlating their concerns and their anatomy allows us to discuss treatment options and evolve a treatment plan,” says Dr. Parker. “When addressing these facial and neck issues, there are a variety of approaches that we can take that fall under the category of a facelift or neck lift.”

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For patients of The Parker Center in New Jersey, facelift and neck lift procedures are determined based on Dr. Parker’s discussion of options with the patient. “Face and neck lifts are pretty related and are often performed together for optimal results,” says Dr. Parker. “But, they can also be done separately depending on the specific needs and desires of the patient.”

Surgery time varies depending on what procedure is employed. For simple liposuction, it may take only 45 minutes but if a full face and neck lift is needed, the surgery may take up to 4 hours. Recovery for a New Jersey facelift and neck lift takes about 2 weeks when the patient can get back to normal activities and be out in public comfortably.

“While the patient will see a decided difference immediately after the surgery, she will have a very good preview of the final result within approximately three months,” says Dr. Paul Parker. “Final results can take approximately 6 to 12 months, depending on the patient.”

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Carefully listening to and examining the patient are essential to Dr. Parker in formulating and discussing treatment options which are customized for each patient. Computer imaging can also be very helpful in giving the patients an idea of what they might look like after surgery.

All of New Jersey plastic surgeon, Dr. Parker’s procedures are performed in our state-of-the-art, fully certified ambulatory surgical facility, Surgiplex, LLC. Here, Dr. Parker has worked with the same team of excellent board certified anesthesiologists for over 20 years. They, along with their staff of highly trained registered nurses work hard to provide an exceptional experience for all of their patients.

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