New Jersey Breast Augmentation Patient Provides Hope for Others Living with Tuberous Breasts

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

At 27 and two kids later, Suzanne decided it was time to do something about her small, unusually shaped breasts and overly large areolas. Until she had her consultation with New Jersey plastic surgeon, Dr. Paul M. Parker, she had no idea that it was actually a congenital abnormality. She also had no idea just how good they would look once Dr. Parker was finished with her!

Tuberous breasts derive their name from the tuber, an elongated shaped potato. They have also are called tubular breasts because of their unusual tube-like projection from the chest instead of a rounded projection. In addition to the unusual shape of tuberous breasts, the areolas are quite large and puffy. In Suzanne’s case, the most bothersome part was how far apart they sat on her chest.

New Jersey Breast Lift

“You could fit your hand and a couple of fingers in between them,” she says.

While Suzanne didn’t let the appearance of her breasts stop her from enjoying life socially and intimately, she still experienced a huge improvement in her self-confidence following the procedure.

“I had absolutely no cleavage and I felt uncomfortable wearing low cut tops and tank tops. I’m a water baby and I didn’t let it stop me from enjoying the water, but I am much happier and confident now about putting on my summer clothes.”

Suzanne had researched procedures and once she decided to go ahead with it, her mother introduced her to Dr. Parker. After evaluating her, Dr. Parker determined that the best way to proceed was a New Jersey breast augmentation with a peri areolar breast lift.

“I didn’t want large breasts, I just wanted some cleavage and for them to be in proportion with my body,” she says. “I had no idea that they were going to look this good!”

New Jersey Breast Lift

Dr. Parker’s staff helped Suzanne determine what size breasts she would be comfortable with during several Sizing and Shaping sessions.

New Jersey plastic surgeon, Dr. Parker, lifted the breasts, reduced the size of the areolas and inserted silicone implants to give Suzanne the proportional bust-line she desired. The transformation was amazing and Suzanne was more than happy to share her success story with others in hopes that it would help other women living with the same abnormality.

“When I was researching, I really didn’t see any other breasts that looked like mine,” she said. “Hopefully, by sharing my story and results, it will help others see that there is a solution to this problem and show them the amazing results they can get from Dr. Parker.”

Suzanne was so amazed and happy with her results, she doesn’t hesitate to recommend Dr. Parker to others. “I trust him so much that I have no problem referring friends and family to him,” she says. “The whole staff was so nice. I go back in a heartbeat if I needed anything else done!”

For women who have tuberous breasts but are on the fence about surgery, Suzanne advises them to consider how they feel about themselves. Are they truly happy with their body? Are they as confident as they would like to be? Can they wear the clothes they want? She says if they answer no to any of these questions, they should consider having their breasts corrected.

If you would like more information on New Jersey breast augmentation with a breast lift or to view examples of how tuberous breasts can be corrected, visit or call (201) 967-1212 for a consultation with Dr. Parker.

3 Responses to New Jersey Breast Augmentation Patient Provides Hope for Others Living with Tuberous Breasts

  • maria says:

    Hi, I would like to know the approximate cost of a tuberous breast correction surgery and if this procedure is typically covered by insurance at all?

  • Vanessa Poss says:

    I suffer from that problem but my only questions are

    Can you breath good ? Considering the weight of the implants

    And could you still sleep on yr boob and it not bust the implants? ? Somebody plz tell me

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