The End of Summer Doesn’t Mean End of Skin Cancer Prevention
Dr. Paul M. Parker, a board certified New jersey plastic surgeon and member of the American Society for Plastic Surgery (ASPS) offers ways to screen and detect potential skin problem spots for the most common type cancer in the U.S.
Paramus, NJ (Vocus) November 9, 2010 – Skin Cancer is the most prolific but also one of the most treatable cancers today. According to, approximately 1 in 5 Americans will develop cancer in their lifetime. For Caucasian Americans that number is substantially higher, 1 in 3. According to the American Cancer Society over 1.5 million cases of skin cancer will be diagnosed this year.
Intense, intermittent sun exposure can occur on a tropical vacation or an October day spent outdoors at a football game or raking leaves. There’s also what’s known as incidental sun exposure. This type of sun exposure results from brief, everyday activities like your morning walk or walking to and from your car. This exposure accumulates over time and can seriously damage the skin.
“Early detection and diagnosis of skin cancer is key to obtaining curative treatment,” says Dr. Paul M. Parker, New Jersey plastic surgeon. Further, he advises, “Screen yourself for potentially dangerous changes in the moles on your skin, being mindful of the ABCD’s of detection.”
The American Melanoma Foundation has developed the ABCD’s of skin cancer detection to make self-examination easier and a regular routine for all. By being aware of these important skin changes and developments, you can be alerted and see your doctor sooner for treatment.
The ABCD’s are:
Asymmetry: one half of the mark is different that the other half
Border Irregularity: the edges are notched, uneven or blurred
Color Variation: The color is uneven or blurred.
Diameter: Diameter is greater than 6 millimeters
There are several other warning signs:
- The appearance of a new bump or nodule
- Color spreads into surrounding skin
- Redness or swelling beyond the mole
- Pain
- Tenderness
- Itching
- Bleeding
- Oozing
- Scaly appearance
Year round sun protection is a necessity. Sunbathers aren’t the only ones who need to be concerned, golfers, runners, boaters, gardeners and anyone involved in outdoor activities. Clothing offers little protection; a t-shirt for example has an SPF of about 10. Skin cancer prevention involves not only wearing SPF lotion daily but also protective clothing and education, like knowing and practicing the ABCD’s.
“It’s an epidemic for those who spend a lot of time outdoors. These people need to be mindful of the importance of skin protection,” says Dr. Paul M. Parker of the Parker Center for Plastic Surgery, New Jersey.
The Parker Center in Paramus offers patients a comprehensive physical exam and takes a complete history if skin lesions are detected. Skin Cancer does not respond well to chemotherapy or radiation, so surgery is usually the best option. Dr. Paul M. Parker treats a variety of skin cancers with surgical removal in his onsite fully certified ambulatory New Jersey plastic surgery facility.
“The earlier the treatment is performed, the higher likelihood to obtain long term cure and prevent recurrence of the cancer, says Dr. Parker.
For anyone concerned about skin lesions, skin cancer and skin care, New Jersey plastic surgeon Dr. Paul M. Parker offers tips, information about prevention & procedures at the Parker Center website at or call us at 201-967-1212. Or, for information regarding procedures such as a face lift New Jersey or rhinoplasty New Jersey, follow the click through links.
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