Neck Lift or Neck Liposuction

Parker Center for Plastic Surgery

Both procedures work to refine & contour the neckline, but each uses a very different surgical approach. Which is right for you? It depends on your goals as well as your individual anatomy. Keep reading to learn more about these options.

Neck Liposuction removes excess fat to sculpt a more refined jawline

Liposuction allows Dr. Parker to remove fat from the subcutaneous tissue layer of the neck and sculpt a more youthful, contoured neck and jaw line. You are a good candidate for liposuction of the neck if you have excess fat along with adequate skin and muscle tone. If your skin and/or muscle tone is lax, you will likely need some type of neck lift procedure. Dr. Parker can determine this at your consultation.

Before & After: Neck Contouring*

Side view of woman\'s neck before and after liposuction
Front view of woman\'s neck before and after liposuction
Before After
This 34 year old patient was bothered by the “fullness” of her neck since her early twenties. Because the patient had good skin tone, Dr. Parker performed liposuction alone.

Liposuction of the neck is one of the most popular liposuction procedures in cosmetic surgery today. If appropriate, it can be performed at the same time as other procedures, such as a faceliftblepharoplasty, or chin augmentation.

In performing liposuction, Dr. Parker makes a tiny, 3 mm incision under the chin and behind each earlobe. The area to be sculpted is infiltrated with our “super wet” solution. A thin liposuction cannula is inserted through these tiny incisions to remove excess fat and sculpture an improved neck contour. In patients with moderate skin tone, Dr. Parker will use the Vaser ultrasonic liposuction system to emulsify fat before removal as well as tighten the overlying skin.

Liposuction of the neck takes about 30 minutes to perform under local anesthesia, usually supplemented with light intravenous sedation. Patients are discharged shortly after the procedure. There is little pain, and sutures inserted to close the tiny access incisions dissolve by themselves. Swelling and discoloration typically subside within 7 to 10 days. Camouflage make-up can be applied after one week. Patients may return to normal activities in 3 to 4 days and exercise in 10 to 14 days. Results are usually quite dramatic in shaping a more youthful, attractive neck.

A neck lift removes excess skin & tightens sagging neck muscles

You will likely need some type of neck lift procedure if you have laxity of your neck skin and/ or platysmal muscles. Dr. Parker will determine this and discuss it with you at your consultation. There are several options here. The components of a neck lift include fat contouring, lifting and tightening the platysmal muscle, skin re-draping and redistribution, and skin removal.

Before & After: Neck Lift*

Side view of woman before and after neck lift
Before After
This 46 year old patient was bothered by the laxity of her neck skin. Dr. Parker performed a neck lift through incisions behind both ears. This allowed him to suspend the platysmal muscles laterally. He then removed excess skin through these same incisions.

In performing a neck lift, Dr. Parker makes incisions behind each ear to separate the skin in the neck from the underlying platysmal muscles. He removes excessive fat, and then lifts and tightens the fascia at the outer edges of the platysma muscles on both sides of the neck using sutures. This creates a “hammock” effect whereby the suspended platysma muscles create a long-lasting and natural shape in the neck.

Patients who demonstrate true laxity of the platysma muscles have the inner portion of these muscles tightened with sutures through a limited incision beneath the chin; this is called a “platysmaplasty.” Dr. Parker then removes the excess fat, leaving behind a uniform, thin, and contoured blanket of fat. Finally, he re-drapes the neck skin, removing excess skin through these same incisions behind the ears. These incisions are then closed with dissolvable sutures so the scars heal well.

Before & After: Neck Contouring*

Front view of woman\'s neck before and after neck lift
Side view of woman\'s neck before and after neck lift
Before After
This 58 year old patient was bothered by the crepiness of her neck skin and prominent muscle banding beneath it. Dr. Parker performed a platysmaplasty, whereby he re-contoured the underlying platysma muscle with sutures through a limited incision beneath the chin and re-draped the lax skin.

The time for surgery ranges from 45 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the extent of skin and muscle laxity, and patients receive either intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. Patients are discharged within one hour after surgery, or stay overnight, depending on the extent of the procedure. Initially, there is a feeling of tightness under the neck from the “hammock” effect. Stitches are removed within one week. Swelling and discoloration subside within 10 to 14 days. Camouflage make-up may be applied after one week. Patients may return to normal activities in 10 to 14 days and exercise beginning at two weeks.

2 Responses to Neck Lift or Neck Liposuction

  • Erin DuPont says:

    Hello I am interested in the estimated entire cost of having chin liposuction done to my face. I know you can’t give an actual amount but I would like to have an ballpark idea at what I am looking at before making an appointment.

    Thank you.

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